Data management for trouble-free operation – today, tomorrow and in the future.

Frequently used transport infrastructures reflect the need for mobility. With new sustainability goals and trends such as urbanisation, mobility as a service, and increasing road congestion, the pressure on infrastructures will continue to increase in the future. The data will support management in operating and planning these infrastructures for the future.
Modern mobility infrastructures require modern solutions that allow an overview of the entire asset inventory. The ASE products enable you to clearly structure the station, the road, the car park or the rail network, to monitor and check its use, to plan maintenance and servicing work and to develop management and maintenance strategies. Unplanned repairs and construction measures are cost-intensive and require long-term planning. Digitalisation, on the other hand, is fast and can reveal up to 30% of unused space and potential. In this way, reserves from existing facilities can be used. With the data, the needs of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are modelled and inefficient use of the infrastructure is prevented. So it is high time to use the advantages of ASE systems in operation.


Take full advantage of the location potential of railway stations.

Public Transport

Solutions for the mobility capacity in regional public transport in focus.


With traffic counting systems, you recognise the vehicle classes and find out where the vehicles are coming from and where they are going.

Asset Management

Solid inventory management for street furniture.


Using Data to Enhance Maritime Services


Maximise the efficiency of airport infrastructure with smart digital solutions
They trust us:

    ASE (Analysis Simulation Engineering) AG

    Gartenhofstrasse 17 | 8004 Zürich | Switzerland
    +41 (0)44 253 75 70 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.