By means of their tracking capabilities, current regulations are examined and modifications regarding dimensioning and security are drafted. Furthermore, the data serves research purposes as well as for planning measures. Following variables are measured: Pedestrian flow at the entrancesMovement patterns at the platformTrajectories (speed and direc...
What we learned, is that if the technology and its relevance can be explained and understood by children, our mission can be implemented and realised by all. Thanks to our motivated visitors and educators Michael Moos, Julia Wysling, Lukas Gamper, Pascal von Burg for a great day!
Read the article in the journal Transforming Cities hier.
A very interesting broadcast about a cutting-edge topic:
Over the next few years, Athavan will become familiar with all facets of the IT profession. He will put PCs and servers into operation, maintain the server infrastructure, maintain networks and support system administration. He will also gain a deep insight into the development department that programs the ASE software. The entire ASE team wishes A...
Strong Know How in the Railway Sector Carsten Bopp is an expert in the railway world in Europe and the Middle East. As a member of the management of Bombardier Transportation, he has contributed significantly to the modernisation of many railways in Europe and the Middle East. As CEO and partner of Pini Swiss Engineers SA, he has further developed ...

ASE (Analysis Simulation Engineering) AG