To know where vehicles and bicycles are travelling and how long people are spending their time on squares.
With our video analysis system, you can recognise the vehicle classes and find out where the vehicles come from, where they are going, how long they stay in certain areas, which vehicle group they belong to and which type of dangerous goods are being transported.
Measure, integrate, analyse.
Through comprehensive traffic and passenger flow monitoring, we create the basis for integrating a wide variety of data sources. This data provides valuable information for both mobility and tourism services. Our analyses are not only available live, but also offer valuable long-term historical evaluations.
Flexible system architecture and high integration capability.
Video-based traffic measurements
With our video analysis system, you can recognise the vehicle classes and find out where the vehicles come from, where they are going, how long they stay in certain areas and which vehicle group they belong to.
Traffic analysis
The object recognition technology enables all road users and different vehicle classes to be recorded using video-based measurements. The possible measured variables include the volume of traffic at individually definable cross-sections, the length of stay and density in specific measurement areas, the speed of road users at the measurement location and their origin.
Parking guidance system
Based on the operating concepts and needs of the operators and users, the appropriate technologies for collecting the data are defined. The data is collated on our platform and combined into a standardised system. The result is a holistic, standardised approach to the current and expected parking situation.
Bicycle traffic
As part of the Cyclomania Challenge, we are processing the GPS data and drawing up a cycle load plan for the entire municipal area. The cycle load plan shows how cyclists are distributed in the municipal area and can be used to assess mobility needs and prioritise improvements to any weak points in the infrastructure.